
The Artwork of Joseph Q. Daily


Adventures in Construction

Posted on: Apr 11, 2010

Adventures in Construction

Ironically, now that my new site is live there is very little painting news to report! My big plans for the Spring and Summer are to help my friend John build a house for my mother, and we hit the ground running this week. After having been shut out for months by an early, cold Winter, we were finally able to pour the concrete footers on Wednesday. It turned out to be a marathon effort in unseasonably hot weather … the trucks could only pull up to one spot, so there was a whole lot of wheelbarrowing to do.

In the end, we were just short of having enough concrete, but the next day John was able to fill up several trash cans full from the concrete place, and we patched up the remaining bits without trouble. Now our forms for the walls are all stacked up and ready to be assembled on Monday … if all goes well we’ll do another pour on Wednesday, and that will be that.

With the footers in, the whole building site feels much more substantial. John can’t wait to get to the woodwork, my mom can’t wait to move in, and I’m just happy to be a part of it all!

Mud! John Bending Rebar All Hands on Deck Footers & Forms